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Board of Investment aims to push more Thai investment abroad
27-02-16 15:03

BANGKOK, 24 February 2016 (NNT) – The Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI) is aiming to encourage international investment by Thai investors throughout 2016 with more assistance, trainings, and troubleshooting sessions.

BOI’s Secretary-General Hirunya Suchinai has revealed that the BOI will be encouraging Thai entrepreneurs to make investment in CLMV market (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam) along with other member states and new markets this year.

The investment promotion plan will be segmented according to different markets, with focuses on agriculture, automobile parts, textiles, processed foods, and construction materials in the CLMV market; automobile and motorcycle parts, processed seafoods, and petroleum products in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei; as well as fisheries, textiles, construction materials and alternative energy in Uganda, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan.

The BOI is also planned to establish investment promoting centers in Myanmar and Indonesia in 2017 to facilitate Thai investors, joining other 14 centers across the world, while the budget for international investment promotion will be increased to 39 million baht from 20 million in the previous year.

A BOI meeting chaired by the prime minister will be taking place on 29 February with the main agenda being the consideration of investment promotion for OTOP campaigns as proposed by the Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, with the invitation for the BOI to promote retail channels for OTOP products at tourism attractions and to consider providing tax benefits to encourage investment.



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